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Benefits of Computer Based Tests

computer based testingMany universities and colleges around the globe are now using computer based admissions tests. Computer based tests can measure an array of skills and knowledge and provide valuable insight as to the test-taker’s abilities and aptitude. As opposed to paper-based tests, computer based tests are of two types; Linear tests are similar to paper based tests in that the computer selects random questions of varying difficulty levels for test-takers irrespective of their performance level. Computer Adaptive tests actually take the test-taker’s performance into consideration by judging their ability based on their answers to every subsequent question. The computer then generates questions that are best suited for the performance level of the test-taker.

Computer based tests offer a wide range of benefits for both the applicants and the academic institutions. Some of the advantages include:

If those giving the test are unfamiliar with the format or are used to reading the entire test before answering any questions, they can practice with test preparation software that mimics computer based tests. At the end of the day, automated tests end up saving a lot of time for both the taker and the administered. These tests are well structured so anyone taking the test can dive straight in and start answering questions. There are also fewer chances of confusion since these tests are designed in such a manner. Conversely, the person checking the test can retrieve results within a matter of seconds through a few clicks. This certainly beats going through lengthy conventional tests that are paper-based.

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