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How to Promote Your Blog in the Internet

blog promotion

Dear Friends,

Here we have created a guide that should help you know better the SEO strategies and how to wisely use them. There is a short version published here, and the full one is inside the homepage.

I. Promote Your Blog Posts in Search Engine

Gain more targeted visitors from search engines by using an appropriate target keyword in your blog post.

Keyword Research for Writing a Blog Post

First of all, before writing any post in your blog you should do a keyword research related to a topic you are going to write about. For keyword research use this keyword tool – Google Keyword Planner. You will see the list of keyword ideas (which people use to search in search engines) related to your topic. The table shows:

Your main purpose is to find the most Low Competitive keyword to use it in your blog post.

!! It would be great if you could find a keyword with the number of competitors lower than 100.

Your Keyword must be more targeted for users who could be potentially interested in ordering a work from you, use keywords which include the following words : examples, samples, how to write.., order …(essay, paper, etc), purchase … (essay, coursework, etc.), write my… (essay, coursework) etc.

II. Optimize Your Blogpost Using Chosen Keyword

Now, after you have finally determined the keyword for your post, you need to know the main optimization rules before writing a post. “The Keyword Density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. The optimum keyword density is 1 to 4 %. Using a keyword more than that could be considered search spam. The formula to calculate your keyword density on a web page for SEO purposes is (Nkr/Tkn) * 100, where Nkr is how many times you repeated a specific keyword and Tkn the total number of words in the analyzed text.”

The longer is the keyword phrase, the lower is the percentage of the keyword density in text. If the keyword phrase has more than 3 words, then the keyword density will be 2%, if the keyword consists of 3 or lower number of words, then it is better to take 3% and 4% for 2 words.

III. Promote Your Blog Post to the TOP-10 Results in Search

Now it is time to gain backlinks to your blog post. The more backlinks your post has the higher it appears in Search Results.

Register to those article directories in the list. Read the submission guidelines. And Submit your rewritten articles to that directories.

!! Enter a link of your main blog post article (from ThePesters) to the article you are submitting.

There are a lot of other ways to gain more backlinks to your blog post. You can find them just by searching for keyword “link building Strategies in
The above mentioned tips are the most popular and effective for promoting Low Competition keywords. The more targeted visitors you get to your blog posts, the higher your chance of gaining more orders. Write as more keyword optimized blog post as you can and promote them in search engines.

(this is the shortened version of the guide, please, login to your homepage and go to the NEWS section to view the full guide).

See the next blog for on how can you promote yourself in the Social Media Sites.

We wish you all fruitful outcomes! Team.

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