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How to Write a Presentation and Rock When You Speak

At a glance it may seem that preparing a presentation is more or less similar to writing an essay: there are the same basic parts, the same attention paid to the logical progression of ideas and smooth transition between them. However, there is one huge difference – a presentation is meant to be uttered aloud, not read by the eye, which leads to difference in structure, language and many other aspects. This guide will help you find your way around both preparing the written part of your presentation and readying yourself to deliver it in front of an audience in a manner you need.

Presentation Structure

Similarly to many other types of writing, your typical presentation consists of three parts:


They are, however, usually not supposed to be written in the same order – in absolute majority of cases it is advisable to start with the body, follow up with the conclusion and write the introduction after everything else is ready. You may, of course, start with an introduction, but chances are, you will have to rewrite it after you’ve dealt with the rest of the presentation.

Preparations and Planning

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” – however clichéd this phrase may sound, it is still true. If you don’t write a plan for an essay, the worst that can happen is that you will have to rewrite it. Failing in front of audience, like in case of presentation, is much less pleasant.


First of all, you should decide what you are going to talk about: what is the main goal of your presentation, which points you will cover and which details you will use to support your point of view.

In presentations, like in communication in general, it is a good rule of a thumb to stick to threes. There are many reasons to do so:


The most common way of organizing the body of presentation is, broadly speaking, dividing it into three segments to answer three consecutive questions:

  1. “What?” – Here you introduce your main idea;
  2. “Why?” – Think about the first, most obvious question that should appear after the audience hears about “what?” and try to answer it, for example, “Why is it so important?” Thus your presentation is going to flow logically along the same lines as the thought process of those who listen to it;
  3. “How?” – The next natural question that arises should be something along the lines of “How is this to be achieved?”, and again, your presentation should anticipate it.

It should be noted, however, that these questions and their succession are purely approximate and exemplary – it is not a rule set in stone that isn’t to be broken. If you have an idea with three supporting facts that are of equal importance, feel free to use them – just make sure to organize it all logically.

And again, make use of the rule of threes – try to back up each of your main points with three supporting ideas.

Writing the Body

Now that you’ve decided what you are going to talk about, it is time to actually write it down. Following the plan you’ve laid out, cover each point, using the necessary proofs, such as facts and statistics, when appropriate.


If you are using visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides, prepare them at this point and make sure they don’t contradict what you say and follow each other in the same order as you cover the points.

Probably the most important issue for you to cope with is logical transition between parts of presentation. You can, of course, simply say “Now I am moving on to the next point…”, but it sounds awkward and a bit helpless. If you really want to make a positive impression, you should take care to prepare transitions between logical parts of the presentation beforehand and make sure to memorize them. If you forget some aspects you want to cover, you can always consult your notes and visual aids; if you forget how the parts of the presentation are connected, you may get into trouble.

Editing the Body

Don’t expect to get everything right the first time around. After you’ve completed writing the body paragraphs, it is time for editing them – which is, by the way, a good reason not to be perfectionistic when you write them. You can always edit them later – at first you simply have to put your thoughts and ideas into writing.


Ideally, you should leave your presentation alone for a little while before attempting editing – at least for a day, but feel free to take as long a break as your deadline allows you. This way you will be able to see what you’ve written without prejudice, and numerous small and large mistakes and inconsistencies will suddenly become obvious.

But what exactly do you need to do while editing?

  1. Check you language and choice of words for consistency and appropriateness. Can you be sure that the entirety of your audience is familiar with the terminology you use? Does the language correspond to the occasion? Do you use any out-of-place or slang words?
  2. Is your presentation easily understood? Remember, you are going to deliver it aloud, and the listeners won’t have anything to assist them in understanding you but visual aids (which are optional). You are not doing a presentation to impress somebody but to impart information. Thus, if you find yourself using long and obscure words that can be easily misheard, try to replace them with shorter and simpler synonyms.
  3. Check for run-on sentences. Again, your audience will listen to you, not read what you have written, so make sentences short and simple to avoid confusion and boredom.
  4. Make sure you use visual aids to a limit. Many presenters treat them as a necessary evil and accompaniment to their delivery, losing an opportunity to use an additional powerful instrument to influence the audience. Think about additional visual imagery you can use to grasp the audience’s attention at key points and how you can introduce it in your presentation.
  5. Pay special attention to checking all your visual aids and printed materials for grammar and spelling mistakes. Nothing kills the seriousness of the moment like a conspicuous misspelling on a particularly important slide.
  6. Practice the delivery, preferably in front of an audience. Ask a friend to sit through your presentation and request objective criticism.

Writing a Conclusion

There are no hard rules as to how one is supposed to conclude one’s presentation; there are many ways to finish it, yet none of them are surefire. There are, however, some guidelines following which is usually a good idea:


Writing an Introduction

Introduction is the most important part of any piece of writing; but its importance increases tenfold when you talk to a live audience. If you fail to grasp its attention from the get-go, you may just as well pack and go home – no matter how fascinating the rest of the presentation is, it is very unlikely that you will be able to recapture the listeners’ attention.


Read what you’ve already written and try to think how you can lead the audience into the topic. There are multiple methods of doing so:

These are just some of the possible introductions; when all is said and done, you are only limited by your own ingenuity. Use whatever you feel is going to work best in the current situation.

Some General Remarks

A presentation is very different from most other written works – first of all, it is not so much a text as a unity of written text, visual aids, body language, interaction with the audience and your own intonation. When writing it, you should take into account how the text proper corresponds with all the other elements.


Here are some additional tips that may help you:

A presentation may look like an intimidating task at first, but it is all a matter of planning and deliberation. Break it up into parts, deal with each one separately – and nothing can be easier.

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