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Bring It on: All You Need to Know about Scholarship Essay Writing

There is no surefire method of writing a winning scholarship essay. If you collect a hundred of essays that managed to hit the mark and try to find a common denominator that would be responsible for it, you will find out that its absence is exactly what set them apart. Each winning essay is unique, each is written in a very distinctive style characteristic of the author.

But while there is no particular approach that will guarantee the success, you may certainly follow some principles that will greatly improve your chances of finding your unique voice and, therefore, getting where you want to get.

Types of Scholarship Essays

There are two main types of scholarship essays; in addition to that, hybrids that combine the qualities of both are possible, as well as more experimental ones.

Personal Statement

A personal statement is supposed to give a picture of you as an individual. It usually deals with your family background, personal history, what kind of education you have, what influenced your intellectual and ideological development, notable experiences and the ways they changed you, special interests and abilities, plans for the future and so on. When writing this kind of essay, it is important to remember the following:

Intent Statement

Intent statement should show why you have chosen this particular course of study or why you think you deserve to receive the scholarship. It is hard to give any particular advice concerning it, as writing prompts may be quite varied. The main idea is to prove that giving you a bunch of money is a good idea and a sound investment.


Choosing the Topic

You won’t get to choose to write about whatever you like; you will have to respond to a particular question. The questions vary greatly in the amount of freedom they give you. They may deal with any topic, but mainly they touch upon your academic plans, personal achievements, things that influenced you, your goals and so on. Here are some tips that can help you turn any question to your advantage:


Structure of a Scholarship Essay

Structurally, a scholarship essay usually doesn’t differ from most other essay types: it consists of the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. The difference lies in what you write in any of them. Remember that each word and sentence should further your goal: introduction should make sure the judges are immediately interested in your person, the main part should present your case in the most favorable light, and the conclusion should provide a dramatic ending to your story.

Introduction: Grasping the Reader’s Attention

As with any other kind of writing, the main purpose of the introduction is to make sure the reader gets interested in the subject matter and reads the text up to the end. Therefore, your should begin with something that is bound to catch the reader’s attention, something that will stand out from hundreds upon hundreds of essays your judges have to read. How can it be done? That’s the problem. It is very hard to pinpoint what it means to be original. There are, however, a few tips and principles that can bring you closer to the ideal:

Standing out

Your style, choice of words and coverage of the topic may be perfect, but if you write the same things everyone else writes, it isn’t going to help you get the scholarship. Depending on the scholarship you apply for, there may be tens or hundreds of people competing alongside you – and the judges primarily looking for those who look interesting. So, how does one create such an impression?



It is impossible to write an essay, especially such an important essay, at the first attempt. You will have to revise it, change some fragments, remove or replace others. Here are 4 tips that can make this process more efficient.


General Tips


Writing a scholarship essay is a challenging and time-consuming task. Nevertheless, doing it successfully and getting yourself a scholarship is a more achievable goal than many believe. If you approach the task systematically, dedicate a reasonable amount of time to it and be ready to work hard, you already have an edge over the vast majority of applicants, who simply try their hand at it. Follow the tips we’ve given you, do your research on the organizations offering scholarships before starting, and everything will be alright!

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