Having faced with a great variety of professions, I ended up with the only one that hooked my attention – I have chosen to become a tutor. Why? The thing is that I myself am an actual product of whom I wish to become one day – the best teacher in the world! As a kid, I was inspired by a wonderful lady, who helped me to believe that I can reach the stars. In other words, she made me believe that I can accomplish any goal successfully. My first school teacher inspired me to be the best I could ever be. As the years were passing by, I met many other great teachers, who not only inspired me but also supported me when I was about to get all set and reach my dreams. These stunning people are the best friends in my life and due to their positive influence I have made a decision to become a teacher.
Now that you are aware of how I have come up with the decision to become a tutor, I would like to tell you why exactly this profession has become my choice. The whole point is that I want to be a school teacher not because of the holidays off and weekend stuff, and not because of some privileges or salary…To be honest, I want to become a good teacher because I am absolutely committed to turning our world into a better place, to make a difference in the lives of the people around me. To my personal point of view, teaching is one of the most noble and fulfilling roles in our lives. Becoming a tutor is about polishing and shaping an individual by instructing and teaching him. To say more, becoming a teacher is a great responsibility that comprises various obstacles, and I feel like I am absolutely ready to face with the challenge that is ahead of me.
To sum the story up, I have provided you with a clear view on why I want to become a tutor and what has led me to this particular decision. I want to teach the younger generations because when it’s time for me to pass away, I will know that I made a difference and perhaps changed somebody else’s life just the way my teachers changed mine.