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3 Easiest Ways to Get Free Help in Homework Writing

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The life of a student is hectic. Just when one assignment is finished, another due date hovers over your head. With all that stress and work that needs to be done, it’s understandable that students look for help with their assignments. There are a lot of free tools and apps available that can assist students in paper writing needs as well as there are a lot of people willing to help.

If you are seeking some help in homework completion, here are some useful sources and places you can refer to.

1. Free Writing Tools

Writing is time-consuming in college, but luckily there are tools that can help students focus, brainstorm and organize their papers. These kinds of tools are accessible for free on both the computer and your smartphone.

●     ProWritingAid

One of the best free writing tools for paper writing is ProWritingAid, which can be used for Microsoft Office and Google Docs. This app assists with during the editing process while you write, making it easy to go back and fix your writing. Complex sentences, confusing language, repetition, and passive voice are all highlighted for your editing ease.

●     Bubble.us

If your concern is organizing your thoughts and brainstorming, then try Bubble.us. This free website will create a map of your ideas that will help you get started with the writing process.

●     FocusWriter

If focusing on the assignment at hand is your problem, then there’s an app for such a reason as well. Try FocusWriter, which removes all other visuals on your screen and presents you with a blank page. You can also set timers, create goals and access statistics.

2. Free Proofreading Tools

●     PolishMyWriting

Your paper is written, but now you need to polish it to perfection for that good grade. The editing process can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t have a lot of time.  One excellent tool to check over your paper is PolishMyWriting. Just paste your essay into the toolbox and the website will scan your writing for errors, including spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, etc.

●     PaperRater

Another free website that checks your writing for errors is PaperRater. The app’s name talks for itself; it actually rates your paper giving you a final score that might help give you an idea of what your professor might think.

3. Seek out Academic Resources

As a student, you have access to a number of campus resources that exist to help you with homework and papers. Every college should have a writing center available for students, staffed with academic support and writing tutors who are there to help collegers polish their essays to perfection. Schedule an appointment either on their website or by calling.

Feel free to contact your professor for help as well. Part of their job is giving you a hand with assignments. Just be sure to arrive with your materials and questions in hand, as there are probably many other students seeking their assistance as well.

When it comes to college assignment writing, you are not alone. There are free tools that are available to assist you on your path to success.

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