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Essay: First Day at College

first day at college: essayHot summer has just flown by, the college life is out there and the mind is blown up by the future perspective. How do we prepare for the very first day at college? The most important thing to take into consideration is the fact that the classes at college will turn into a completely new and different experience compared to the ones delivered in high school. Still, there are some key points one should keep in mind before facing with the first day at college.


Be there early

Same was in high school, but as for the college this rule carries a little bit more weight. The fresh man is a newbie to the campus and of course he or she has not the slightest idea of how to get around. That is why one should definitely plan some additional 30-40 minutes needed for hopeless wandering all over the place to finally reach the classroom. This will also provide enough time to take the comfiest place and get all the class materials together to be absolutely prepared for the lecture.


There might be an assignment due!

How often the freshmen get blindsided when the college tutor jumps straight into a quick discussion on the home task the student didn’t know was assigned? Lots of times! It is OK for the college and university professors to expect every student to have the task done for the very first day in college, as they prefer to get right into the material. As a rule, all the “pre-class” home tasks are sent on the email, uploaded on the web or printed to be kept on the news board.


Laptop should be there with you!

While using the laptop in high school class was usually frowned, it is welcome in college. Moreover, a lot of college professors encourage it! Having the laptop always at hand is the simplest way to take notes and find information related to the class discussion. Nonetheless, a lot of students tend to do the same mistake – they start scrolling their Facebook accounts when it’s time to study. Thus, those, who can’t boast of solid self-discipline, should definitely leave the laptop at home.


Listen to the professor

Especially, if the students happen to be in a large class. Professors do not have time to stop in the middle of serious conversation just to make sure you got the material. Of course, the students who yesterday were high school teens are used to more relaxed atmosphere. Still, in college things are different. A fresh man should pay the highest attention to any stuff that may need clarification.


Get ready to work!

When it’s about the high school, the first day is usually about playing some games and wandering over the campus. When it’s time for college, the first year student should be ready to have his/her academic mindset 100% ready. Being productive is the key to success!


Taking notes is crucial

The very first day at college is filled with tons of information. Tutors may provide valuable information on their methods of teaching and how to keep in contact with them in the best way. These segments of information are the most important things the freshmen should know for now.

This was an example of the First Day at College essay, written by the writers of our essay writing website. To buy an essay on the necessary topic, please, fill in the Free Inquiry form in the top right corner of this page.

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