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Example of Oral Presentation

The text in which the author speaks in public to fellow students, colleagues or other interested groups trying to share results of years of experience and research, defining key issues to reach success is called example of oral presentation. Writer’s idea has to be supported by the pieces of evidence and have the essential elements on preparing and organizing a successful oral presentation. Example of oral presentation consists of several stages which include preparation and planning, structuring of the speech and necessary language, forming visuals in order to make the best use of them, discussing the approaches of establish and maintain a relationship with the audience, dealing with body language, and providing comments on using the voice and correct pronunciation. If you are looking for someone who can write my paper, you’re at the right place. Our PowerPoint presentation writing service enables you to hire expert speechwriters who create outstanding speeches paired with captivating slides for you.

doesn t make senseGood morning everyone, I would like to start with introducing myself. I am an international student from China who is currently studying at the University of Michigan. Five years ago, I came to the United States and experienced culture shock<. On these grounds, what I would like to do today is to give you the essential background information and the facts about culture shock, and share my experience how to survive it.

In the first part, I give a few basic definition of what culture shock is. In the next section, I will explain the stages of cultural adjustment and strategies and helpful hints for coping culture shock. In the last part, I want to give a practical example and share my experience in order to help you overcome culture shock when living in a foreign country for an extended period of time.

Thus, a culture shock is a state of a physical and emotional discomfort that occurs when a person gets into a different cultural environment. Culture shock can have a positive and negative connotation. It is clear that a visit to a country that is economically and socially lower than homeland can provoke negative emotions, whereas a country with the more advanced level of development can inspire and provide with the feeling of excitement. The primary stages of cultural adjustment include initial euphoria, irritation/hostility, gradual adjustment, and adaptation. In order to reach adaptation stage, a person has to go through all the stages and experience excitement, focus on the differences between the cultures feeling irritation and hostility, experience crisis, and at some point begin to feel at home in a new country. There are three things a person has to consider in order to overcome culture shock when living in a foreign country for an extended period of time. First and foremost, it is to know as much as possible about a host country and find a logical reason for the cultural difference. Secondly, it is important to discuss the feelings with international representatives, not to be afraid to ask questions about particularities of the culture. Thirdly, always have faith in yourself and believe that you can cope with it and gain a positive experience.

I would like to finish by reminding everyone that culture shock is a temporary state which requires time. There is only one advice I can give to you today: Go out and explore the city and its people in order to cope and have a positive experience! Thank you very much for your attention and if there are any questions please feel free to ask.


  • Furham, Adrian. “Culture shock.” Journal of Psychology and Education 7.1 (2012): 9-22.
  • Pantelidou, Stella, and Tom KJ Craig. “Culture shock and social support.” Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 41.10 (2006): 777-781.
  • Pearce, Philip L. “From culture shock and culture arrogance to culture exchange: Ideas towards sustainable socio‐cultural tourism1.” Journal of sustainable tourism 3.3 (1995): 143-154.
  • Weaver, Gary R. “Understanding and coping with cross-cultural adjustment stress.” Education for the intercultural experience 2 (1993): 137-167.
  • Winkelman, Michael. “Cultural shock and adaptation.” Journal of Counseling and Development: JCD 73.2 (1994): 121.


Can I use this presentation as my own speech example?

Using this presentation example as your own speech would be considered plagiarism. The sample is provided to inspire and guide your ideas, but it’s important to create your speech using your own words and thoughts to maintain originality and integrity.

Who can help me with my PowerPoint presentation?

ThePensters.com is a reputable academic help platform ready to assist students 24/7. We provide PowerPoint presentation writing services that enable you to hire expert speechwriters. They create outstanding speeches paired with captivating slides tailored specifically for you.


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