When being assigned with the task to submit a personal essay about life, make sure you know what you have to deal with. If you take a look at a personal essay example about life, you will find out that your task is to complete an autobiographical paper. It is… Read More →
One of the most debated topics on the globe is smoking and the movements for banning it. You’re a lucky student once you’re assigned with the task to complete an argumentative essay on banning cigarettes! The thing is that this topic can be approached in many different ways and it’s… Read More →
So, you’ve finally joined those students who have faced the task to complete an abortion research essay and you wonder how they made through that? Let us give you several useful tips on how to do the essay and get the grade you wish. Abortion is considered to be one… Read More →
Most people know Elizabeth Gilbert only as the author of a bestselling novel Eat, Pray, Love, telling the story of her spiritual journey from the depths of depression to self-fulfillment and enlightenment. There is, however, much more to her. It may come as news to those who have heard about… Read More →
While most writers seem to be content to work while sitting at a desk before a typewriter or a computer, a lot of them used and still use other kinds of accommodations, be it out of necessity or extravagance. And it seems that unusual workplaces don’t hinder them in the… Read More →
Overpopulation is what everyone is babbling about all the time. One can easily add up this topic to such themes as the global warming, abortions and euthanasia. People worry about it and what we are concerned about the most is the best foundation for a professional piece of writing. Let’s… Read More →
To live is to learn. This simple statement is well-known even among the high school students. School life is all about preparation to all the challenges that may pop up in the bigger school known as the world of grown-ups. If you’re a high school student and you’re given the… Read More →
While some people used to view patriotism as an integral part of the citizens’ everyday life, the others prefer to look at it as at a negative aspect that causes people to behave unquestioningly when they are supposed to stop and think. Taking into consideration the fact that individuals’ viewpoints… Read More →
J.D. Salinger is considered by many to be one of the most mysterious writers of the 20th century. Really, what could be more unusual and curious than a writer who publishes a bestselling novel and then leaves all kinds of public life, leaves in seclusion, almost never gives interviews and… Read More →
Avoid Negative Questions and Statements Your customers are more interested in your capabilities rather than limitations. To put it differently, they want to know what you can do, rather than what you can’t do. Additionally, affirmative sentences are easier to understand. So, for example, instead of saying, “I can’t help… Read More →