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Useful Tips - Page 6

This blog category includes different useful tips on college related issues. With them you will definitely make your education easier.

Expand Your Tablet Purposes! Use It for Your Studies

The global educational sector favors using technology in schools and higher educational institutions a lot. Remember the times when computers became accessible? There was a mass computerization of schools. Right now, desktop computers have cleared the path for more portable devices. Thus, the current best tool for educational purposes is… Read More →

Plan Your Day on Paper

There is a general opinion which is expressed once in a while that digital devices will kill the handwriting. All studying can be done on some kind of portable computer these days, namely a tab or a smartphone. You can search for information, take notes, write, and plan on your… Read More →

Choose Project-Based Learning

In any learning process, one should distinguish between the busy work and the actual practical learning. While memorizing information and exploring the theory might seem like important activities, students learn only when they are involved and when the piece of knowledge is personally meaningful to them. The best learning mode… Read More →

Your Studying Life Online: Cloud Storage

Have you ever experienced the following: you are working on some paper, and then something happens to your computer and the precious file suddenly gets lost? Storing information on the hard drive has never been a safe option. Although hard drives are long-livers, they can unexpectedly crash whatever the reason… Read More →

Want to Become Smarter? Take up a Hobby!

While we are all born with certain limitations, both physical and psychological, our potential for development is grand. When we learn new skills, our brain develops neural pathways that increase its capacities and make it work in a more effective way. As students, we can benefit from this a lot…. Read More →

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