Christmas is commonly considered the most beloved holiday. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, to get cozy together with your nearest and dearest… However, more and more people exchange this sentiment for quite the opposite: they hate the season. And, frankly speaking, it’s not out of sheer meanness, to my… Read More →
The movie “Dark Knight” is a grandiose, strange and dark piece of work of Hollywood. Although the film is overhyped and lasts too long, it is still highly entertaining and must be seen exclusively on the vast Imax screen! When watching the very first shot of the dizzying skyscrapers and… Read More →
Dead stuff had been widely shown on the big screen lately. Zombies, vampires and ghosts are popping out here and there – you just need to have enough time to stay updated on what Hollywood has more in store for you. But to my personal viewpoint, the majority of movies… Read More →
There are some situations in our life that people who are afraid of confined spaces or heights see in the most nightmarish dreams. If you ever find yourself lodged between the floors, you have to know that it is highly important to do everything to guarantee a speedy release. Due… Read More →
Water is a natural resource that every human being on Earth can use to satisfy his or her needs. According to the well known facts, a perfectly healthy man or woman can live from 3 to 5 days without water. But there are some requirements that should be fulfilled. First… Read More →
Military logistics is the discipline that is focused on the process of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of various forces within the military segment. To cut the long story short, military logistics comprises the following aspects: health and medical service support; development, design, storage, acquisition, distribution, evacuation,… Read More →
Nowadays (well, just like many years ago), a lot of students literally hate school. Besides that, they also can’t stand home assignments. They are good at procrastination and make sure to do anything to postpone the moment when they have to open the book and start the hardest work. They… Read More →
One can name a lot of reasons why the United States of America lost the famous Vietnam War. To my mind, one of the most important reasons was that as a nation, the USA has never waged a war conflict in such setting as the opponent country of that time…. Read More →
I know nothing about curing phobias. But with a little research, I have found out that fears of spiders, height and fire are not the most unusual at all. It turned out that there are weird phobias one can hardly believe in! I have not the slightest idea of how… Read More →
Although creative writing is a complex and complicated discipline in its own right, it would be wrong to consider that mastering it can give you any edge at all in technical writing. Technical writing follows a completely different set of rules and principles; and the importance of their proper implementation… Read More →